Registration 2018

Fees and Deadlines

On-site registration

After May 11, 2018, only on-site registration is possible (EUR cash only, no cards).

Regular: 290 EUR
Student: 175 EUR
One-day pass valid only May 16: 175 EUR

Regular and Student registration includes access to all conference talks, coffee breaks and lunch, and the conference dinner on May 15.

Student status: Participants registering as student should be prepared to present a proof of current enrollment in a BSc/MSc/PhD degree programme at a university or university of applied science.

One-day pass: As a rule, registration is for the entire conference duration. One-day passes are offered as a courtesy to participants who are interested in attending both OAGM2018 and the subsequent ARW2018 at Innsbruck and may not make it full time to both events. Therefore, one-day passes are offered only for the second conference day (May 16).
One-day registration includes access to all conference talks, coffee breaks and lunch on May 16. It does not include the conference dinner.

Early registration

Early registration was possible until May 2, 2018.

Regular: 250 EUR
Student: 135 EUR
One-day pass valid only May 16: 135 EUR

Late registration

Late registration was possible until May 11, 2018.

Regular: 270 EUR
Student: 155 EUR
One-day pass valid only May 16: 155 EUR

For late registration, your e-mail and bank transfer (see below) must be received not later than May 11, 2018. For domestic bank transfer this means that the bank transfer should be sent on or before May 9, 2018.

Registration Procedure

To register for OAGM2018, proceed by the following two steps:

  1. Send an e-mail to with the subject and text as follows:
    Subject: OAGM2018 registration NAME CITY
    For NAME CITY please insert your surname and city (as a rule, from your institutional address)
    Mail text: Copy the following form and fill in all fields marked with *

    Registration for OAGM2018
    Salutation (Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof): *
    Surname: *
    Given name(s): *
    Status (Regular / Student / One-Day): *
    Institution: *
    City/Town: *
    Complete postal address for Receipt of Payment: *

  2. Pay the applicable registration fee by bank transfer using the following information:
    Beneficiary: UMIT Hall in Tirol, Austria
    IBAN: AT49 3600 0000 0068 6428
    Purpose of payment (Zahlungsreferenz/Verwendungszweck): S00685 OAGM2018 NAME CITY
    Please make sure that the internal account reference S00685 is included, and that NAME CITY is the same as in the e-mail subject above!
    For a SEPA bank transfer, choose the SHARE type of bank transfer to avoid bank transaction fees.

    If you transfer money from outside the SEPA, make sure that no bank fees are generated on our side. (Please contact if you have difficulties in this respect.)

Your receipt of payment will be available at the conference desk on arrival.

If you wish so, you can register more than one participant from the same institution with one e-mail and one bank transfer. In this case, please use the name of ONE participant in the mail subject and bank transfer, but include as many copies of the registration form in your mail. In this case, only one receipt of payment will be issued.


In case you have to change your mind and decide therefore to cancel your registration, inform us by e-mail to as quickly as possible. If your cancellation notice is received not later than May 2 (the early registration deadline), a full refund will be made to the same bank account from which the fee was transferred. Please allow some processing time.

For cancellations received after May 2 but not later than May 11,  refund cannot be guaranteed. (We will try to provide a partial refund on an individual basis.)

For cancellations after May 11 or no-shows, no refund can be given.